Specialized Support: Security Audit

Website hacking has become a pest on the internet. Criminals who attack a site for identity theft such as social security numbers and credit cards are professionals, often a criminal organization who can use their own hackers, hire college students, or simply buy large amounts of stolen information from professional hackers. And the result is a spike in the number and size of reported data breaches by hackers. Hackers who used to do it for the thrill or the fame are now doing it for profit.

GWS-Desk.com Joomla security experts understand web security.  As experts in Joomla you can rely on us to help you with your Joomla powered website's security. We will review and harden the security of your Joomla powered website.

Our Audit and hardening will reduce the chances of your Joomla site being hacked, we ensure that should you suffer a hacking incident that you are prepared with back-ups and a disaster recover plan. We harden the security of your existing Joomla website, offer advice about server set-up and best practise for your web site administrators.

Security Audit Details

  • Analyse your website's set-up
  • Analyse your procedures and site usage by visitors (ACL)
  • Review and update where applicable your extensions
  • Analyse your procedures and site usage by visitors (ACL)
  • Check your Forms for any security issues
  • Permission check for files and folders
  • Analyse your server's set-up and important security settings and advise on improvements
  • Install monitoring tools (Akeeba Admin Tools)
  • Install form protection and backup tools where applicable (Akeebabackup Pro) 
  • Audit Report
Your Joomla Web Site Secuity is essential for your safety and your online presence!

US$ 280

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Specialized Joomla Support by GWS_Desk.com: Security Audit

GWS-Desk.com Security Audit

We make sure your website is secure!



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