Support: Required Access Credentials

When you subscribe to any service and or package you will understand that we need maximal access to provide the services with maximum guaranteed positive outcome. Without access we are not able to provide services in most cases so when you subscribe or purchase any service you will need to provide in your profile of our ticket system the following information:

Joomla Administrator URL

  • Superadmin User
  • Superadmin Pass


  • FTP Username
  • FTP Pass

Control Panel URL

  • CTRL-panel URL
  • CTRL-panel Username
  • CTRL-panel Pass

In case your phpMyadmin is different from the CTRL-panel we need that as well. We always need access to the File System/Manager to be able to handle settings of files and folders

If you fail to provide this access we will not be able to provide services. Please review our Privacy Policy for your convenience!