Tips & Tricks: Migrate Joomla 1.5.xx to Joomla 3.x

The migration from Joomla 1.5 to 3.x  is a  major migration. These 2 versions are a world apart and with a totally different code-base. We  describe here the processes to migrate you from  Joomla 1.5.26Joomla 3.x (latest)


Updates and backups

Download your backup to your PC!
  1. Backup the site and restore with Akeebabackup on a local server (we like Uniform Server due to it's ease) or purchase a cheap domain (.info is cheap) and copy it to that domain (preferred and most easy method)
  2. Make a list of all your extensions: Templates/Components/Modules/Plugins and check which of those you want to keep using, if they have J3.x compatible extensions and/or select alternatives
  3. Check your content and remove outdated content (note sections will be replaced in Joomla 3.x with a nested category tree)
  4. Empty all trash (menu/content/modules/etc)
  5. Update those extensions that are compatible with Joomla 1.5 and Joomla 3.x (examples CB, Mijoshop, Breezingforms)
  6. Remove all other extensions that are not compatible with Joomla 3.x including your (club) template (!)


Upgrade your Joomla 1.5.xx site to Joomla 1.5.26

Backup after done!
Download, extract and upload this package  from The Joomla Downloads Site (you need to login to get it) to your domain with ftp in binary mode and overwrite all files and folders 

Make Use the free Akeebabackup


Install Joomla 3.x

Mandatory: In a subdirectory of your Joomla 1.5 installation


Make a plain Joomla only installation and do not install sample data!!!


Get and Install SP Upgrade

Commercial but value for money! (all the others are inferior)
Download SPupgrade here. Update the settings in the Options/settings tab of the component as documented .

SP Upgrade migrates fully automated without affecting your Joomla present live site!:
  • Users
  • Articles (along with their Sections and Categories)
  • Contacts
  • Web Links
  • News Feeds
  • Banners
  • Images
  • Menus
  • Modules
Most important with the migration is that you will keep the Same id's - Why is this so important ?
  • Google ranking is not affected
  • No broken internal links (e.g. within your articles)
  • No broken external links. Those are links from other domains to your site

If all is set properly you can select all and hit upgrade few minutes later your site is on J3.3.6 Backup your site! (Akeebabackup)

Now your data is on Joomla 3.3.6 and you can add your new template, your extensions etc etc. It is as simple as described

We will be happy to assist you with your migration to Joomla 3.x. The fee for an upgrade or a migration depends on the size of the site. Get your quote for your upgrade or migration to the latest Joomla version!